Real Cheese for Real Kids Tour

Real Cheese for Real Kids Tour

I’ve never been a fan of the overly processed food called “American Cheese.” It’s always been the “cheap” cheese we got as kids because we couldn’t afford cheddar. Even as a child I knew cheese wasn’t supposed to look like a piece of plastic.

To make American cheese (also called Canadian Cheese) the standard way, salt emulsifiers are added to a melted cheese “slurry” to give it a smooth feel that lasts and lasts. This also makes it look perfectly shiny and yellow, like colored plastic. – Organic Valley FAQs 

NEW Organic Valley American SinglesAs an adult I refused to feed it to my own kids so American cheese has never stepped foot into this house under my power. The hubby on the other hand has snuck it in a few times because he LIKES the plastic texture – gross! I won’t even feed it to my dogs – their health is too important to me.

Tomorrow I’ll be trying a new American cheese – yep, after 40ish years, I’m giving American cheese another chance! Why? Because this new cheese is made by Organic Valley, one of my favorite brands, and they promise these new American cheese singles are not only healthy but delicious! I purchased mine online at Amazon Fresh (sorry, Amazon Fresh is only available in Seattle) and they should be on my front porch by the time my alarm goes off in the morning.

I may have a slice at breakfast with a fried egg or I may wait until lunch and use my new pannini maker and make myself a grilled cheese. I’m actually kinda looking forward to it!

Shop Organic Valley Online

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Take the Real Food PledgeThe U.S. government doesn′t allow the makers of regular “American cheese” to call it “cheese.” They have to call it “processed cheese” or “cheese food.” – Organic Valley FAQs

Ironically I received an emailed today from Healthy Child Healthy World to let me know that they’ve teamed up with Organic Valley to make sure that EVERY parent knows there’s a better choice so they’re on a multi-city tour to urge parents to feed their kids real food!  You can check out the tours schedule at the American Cheese Revolution website. While you’re there, take the pledge to GET REAL and feed real food plus protect your children from harmful chemicals and work to create a safer environment for us all. By pledging, you’ll trigger a $1 donation to Healthy Child Healthy World (up to $25K).

The Tour began today in California and will end in Illinois in mid-October. Stops along the way include Oregon, Washington (my state!), Colorado, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and North Carolina.

So, I’ll let you know if this new “REAL” cheese is worth the $5.69 price tag. I’m a fan of more real food and less junk. MOST American don’t need more calories, they need better nutrition.

