When you read the quotes attributed to Dorothy Parker, it’s hard to believe she lived decades ago. Her sharp tongue and witty ways made her stand out. Though only four feet, eleven inches tall, she is said to have been a force. She was a poet, writer, critic, and wisecracking satirist. Some of the things she said and wrote are even too risque for this decade though she’s spot on in her observations about American life.
Her forte was pointing out the 20th-century urban weaknesses and eccentricities. Reading through the words Dorothy Parker wrote decades ago, I find most of them are still true now. It’s easy to see that we haven’t changed much.
Parker lived an interesting life and she was passionate about the causes she believed in.
Find More Dorothy Parker Quotes and Her Writing Online:
- Works by Dorothy Parker at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)
- Dorothy Parker Society (they don’t have meetings, they have parties)
Buy Books By, About, or in Honor of Dorothy Parker
Dorothy Parker, What Fresh Hell Is This? A Biography by Marian Meade
Dorothy Parker Complete Poems By by Penguin Classics
Under the Table a Dorothy Parker Cocktail Guide – by Kevin C Fitzpatrick
Dorothy Parker Complete Broadway 1918-1923
Dorothy Parker – Alpine Giggle Week, A Penguin Classics Specials
The Last Days of Dorothy Parker: The Extraordinary Lives of Dorothy Parker and Lillian Hellman and How Death Can Be Hell on Friendship (A Penguin Classics Special)
Dorothy Parker in Her Own Words
A Journey into Dorothy Parker’s New York by Kevin C Fitzpatrick (ArtPlace Series)
The Delaplaine Dorothy Parker – Her Essential Quotations (Delaplaine Essential Quotations)
The Dorothy Parker Audio Collection – Unabridged read by Christine Baranski, Cythia Nixon, Alfre Woodard, and Shirley Booth