The quotes below spoke to me, especially the baby on the scale. We do teach our children to hate themselves if they don’t fit the norm and that makes me sad. I believe that people are good or bad based on their actions and not their size, shape, color, or religion. And I believe that fitness is more than a number on a scale. | | | |
healthyfitandtoned. |
healthyfitandtoned. | |
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loveyourbody. |
healthyisalwaysbetter. | | | | |
healthyfitandtoned. | | |
healthyisalwaysbetter. | |
noskinnybitcheshere. |
leanhealthystrong. | | |
To me fitness is more than a rock hard body, it’s balancing mind, body, and spirit and loving yourself whether you’re at your goal weight or not. Life is too short to spend time worrying about how others perceive your body…the quote above about your body not being public property is one of my favorites.
Work on having a healthy outlook on life; eat great food, and learn to love. Those traits will get you further in life than spending time hating your physical body. Learn to love your body for what it can do – it gets you where you need to go, it protects your organs from the elements, it gives you something to feel and touch with, it allows you to hug and be hugged, it allows you to communicate….so what if you’re not the size you were or want to be. Love yourself while you make the journey – they’re not mutually exclusive.
You won’t magically become happy the day the scale reads the number you’re hoping for. If you have a bad marriage? You’ll still have it at a size zero. If you don’t get along with your parents? Losing weight isn’t going to change that. Hate your boss? You’ll likely still hate him even if you lose those extra pounds. But by taking care of the inside, dealing with the issues like a bad marriage or an unfulfilling job, you’ll be better equipped to take care of the outside. So start your “diet” with a self-help book or a visit to a therapist. It’ll get you miles futher than running on empty.
Good luck on your journey. May you always move forward in becoming a better person and know that I’m on the same journey with you.
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