These are the quotes that tickled me this week.  Here’s hoping they make your Monday fun.

I’m not sure why we love quotes so much.  Maybe it’s because they serve up a bit of wisdom in a tiny little serving.  I do know that several times a day I come across one I’ve never seen before, one that makes me laugh, or makes me rethink my life.  Pretty powerful stuff from just a few words of wisdom.

I love to share my favorites, but I’d love to see yours, too!  What’s your favorite quote?  Do you prefer funny or thoughtful?  Do you use them in a meaningful way?  Do you share them with your kids?  I wish I’d discovered their beauty years ago – I’d have printed up a bunch of them and put them in a jar to be read and discussed as a family (aka a quote jar).  Ah, I miss those days.

monday quote keep calm and pretend its not monday

Source: via Connie Ott {} on Pinterest

Monday Quote - Must Be Monday

Source: via Connie Ott {} on Pinterest

Source: via Connie Ott {} on Pinterest

Monday Quotes - Today is Not Friday

