Homemade Whole Wheat Buns from the Bread Machine for OAMC Breakfast Sandwiches

Homemade Whole Wheat Buns from the Bread Machine

I’ve been trying wheat recipes to find the perfect wheat bun that can be used for breakfast sandwiches for my husband. There are lots of recipes out there, but this one that I’ve slightly modified to meet our needs, is perfect. Its sweetness is barely noticeable and the buns are amazingly light and fluffy.  I used all organic ingredients except the yeast.

Below the recipe are some photos of how I assemble and freeze the breakfast sandwiches. Hubby likes big buns, but you could easily make these smaller and get 12 out of this recipe.  This time I opted for bacon, egg, and cheese filling.  I like to change up the type of bread, meat, etc., so he doesn’t get bored.  We take a sandwich out of the freezer the night before it’s needed an place it in the refrigerator.  In the morning, it takes about 30 seconds or less in the microwave and he gets a homemade, organic, breakfast he can eat in the car.

Homemade Wheat Buns from the Breadmaker for OAMC Breakfast Sandwiches
Yield: 8
Prep Time: 
Cooking Time: 
Total Time: 
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 egg
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ cup butter (cut into small pieces)
  • ¼ cup sugar (to use honey or agave, decrease water by ⅛ cup) (Wholesome Sweeteners Fair Trade Organic Sugar)
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour (Gold Medal Organic All-Purpose Flour)
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour (Bob's Redmill Whole Wheat, Stone Ground, Organic Flour)
  • 3 teaspoons yeast (bread maker yeast)
  • 1 tablespoon Vital Wheat Gluten with Vitamin C (-it makes the buns rise higher and amazingly light)
  1. Place all ingredients in bread pan in the order recommended by your bread machine. In mine, it's all liquids, followed by all dry, and lastly the yeast (not touching the water). Never place the yeast where it will come in contact with the salt or sugar as it can decrease the activity of the yeast. Make a small well in the top of the flour and place the yeast there.
  2. Choose the wheat bread dough option on your machine.
  3. Allow dough to mix. About 5-10 minutes into the KNEAD cycle, check your dough. It should be in a soft, tacky ball. If it is dry and stiff or feels like Silly Putty, add liquid (80°F), ½ to 1 tablespoon at a time; if too wet and sticky, add flour, 1 tablespoon at a time. I've found it's much easier to add flour than water. I've also found that the easiest way to tell if it's right it to give it a soft finger poke. If it leaves a small indention that fills slowly, it's right.
  4. Allow to rise about 1 hour, it should double in size.
  5. When the rise in complete, remove the bread pan and turn the dough out onto a floured surface or silicone pad (I prefer silicone to adding more flour). Gently roll and shape the dough into a 12-inch rope. With a sharp knife or kitchen sheers, divide the dough into 8 pieces and roll gently into balls. Place the dough balls onto a greased baking sheet or baking sheet with silicone pad. Flatten slightly (to about ½" tall). You can also use an English Muffin mold to press your dough into if you want a consistent size.
  6. Cover and let rise in warm oven (170 degrees) 10 to 15 minutes until almost doubled. Brush tops with melted butter or beaten egg and top with seeds if you like.
  7. These can also be shaped into hot dog buns, yield will be 12.
  8. Preheat oven to 400 F. Bake 9 to 11 minutes until golden brown. Remove from oven and cool on wire racks. These keep in the freezer for 3 to 4 weeks.

OAMC Breakfast Sandwiches

Here are the buns used to make breakfast sandwiches. I use an egg pan to cook the eggs, fried with the yolks pricked, in butter.  Don’t allow them to brown, just keep the heat low.  It does take time to make them this way, but the hubby likes his eggs fried and I like that they keep their shape and fit the buns.  I’ve tried egg rounds and the eggs seeps underneath every time. I cook the eggs while I’m watching the bacon.

Assembling is easy. Cut and butter the buns, place the cheese, egg, and bacon, and you’re done!  I prefer scrambled eggs (think Mc Donald’s folded eggs) and vegetables in mine and finished with fake bacon or fake sausage.

Wrap the finished sandwiches first in a plain plastic bag (these are from Ikea – they have a green leaf print on them) since the hubby prefers to microwave them, and then group them in one freezer bag. You can also wrap them in foil if you’ll be cooking in the oven (thaw, bake 15 minutes at 350) which is how I prefer them.

OAMC Breakfast Sandwiches with homemade Whole Wheat Buns